If you’re like us, the worst thing about hosting a party is cleaning up afterward. But here’s a radical idea you may not have thought of that can make your life easier:
Rent the dishes and glasses. Maybe even the flatware. Seriously. Prices vary by store, of course, but a dinner plate, wineglass, and five-piece flatware setting should run you only $1.50–2.00/person. You have to rent in certain quantities (plates might be five to a package, glasses 25 or 36 to a crate), and you need to remove bits of food from items before returning them, but you get great dishware and glassware without having to scrub anything or do multiple loads in the dishwasher or have to figure out where to stick all the wineglasses to dry after you wash each by hand.
Renting requires extra time on your part before and after the party unless you pay to have the items delivered, but even so, you might find renting items is worth it to have great dishware and glassware without any of the hassle.
Photo by Kelly Cookson used via a Creative Commons license